Nielsen. 1998. The Linguistic Status of the Early Runic Inscriptions of Scandinavia.

Aufsatz in Tagungsakten
  • Nielsen, Hans Frede
Jahr 1998
Titel The Linguistic Status of the Early Runic Inscriptions of Scandinavia
  • Düwel, Klaus
Buchtitel Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung. Abhandlungen des Vierten Internationalen Symposiums über Runen und Runeninschriften in Göttingen vom 4.-9. August 1995
Verlag de Gruyter
Seiten 539-555

Titel Autor Jahr
The Early Runic Language of Scandinavia. Studies in Germanic Dialect Geography Nielsen, Hans Frede 2000
Skandinaviens ældste sproghistorie i komparativ germansk belysning Nielsen, Hans Frede 1998/1999
Does Old English Descend from the Early Runic Language? Nielsen, Hans Frede 1992
Delimination of Ancient Nordic from Common Germanic and Old Nordic Nielsen, Hans Frede 2002
Nordic-West Germanic relations Nielsen, Hans Frede 2002
Om Danmarks tidligste sproghistorie - i tværvidenskabelig belysning Nielsen, Hans Frede 2004
The Early Runic Inscriptions and Historical Linguistics Nielsen, Hans Frede 2006
Runologiske forbindelser mellem Frisland og Skandinavien Nielsen, Hans Frede 1997
Guldhornsindskriften fra Gallehus. Runer, sprog og politik Nielsen, Hans Frede 2002
Rez./Rev. Elmer H. Antonsen. 2002. Runes and Germanic Linguistics. Berlin, New York Nielsen, Hans Frede 2003
The Early Runic Language of Scandinavia: Proto-Norse or North-West Germanic? Nielsen, Hans Frede 2010
Gothic Runic Inscriptions in Scandinavia? Nielsen, Hans Frede 2011
Gothic and early runic. Two sound systems compared Nielsen, Hans Frede 2010
A List of Morphological and Phonological Parallels between North and West Germanic Nielsen, Hans Frede 1976
De germanske sprog. Baggrund og gruppering Nielsen, Hans Frede 1979
Gallehus. § 4 The linguistic provenance of the inscription Nielsen, Hans Frede 1998
On case-form endings in the earliest runic personal names Nielsen, Hans Frede 1993
The dialectal provenance of the Gallehus inscription Nielsen, Hans Frede 2001
Methodological Problems in Germanic Dialect Grouping Nielsen, Hans Frede 1995
The Linguistic Status of the Early Runic Inscriptions of Scandinavia Nielsen, Hans Frede 1998
Runic Frisian skanomodu and aniwulufu and the Relative Chronology of Monophthongization and i-Mutation Nielsen, Hans Frede 1993
Ante-Old Frisian: A Review Nielsen, Hans Frede 1994
Old English and The Continental Germanic Languages, A Survey of Morphological and Phonological Interrelations Nielsen, Hans Frede 1981
The Continental Backgrounds of English and its Insular Development until 1154 Nielsen, Hans Frede 1998
Unaccented Vowels in the Frisian Runic Inscriptions Nielsen, Hans Frede 1984
Unaccented Vowels in Runic Frisian and Ingveonic Nielsen, Hans Frede 1991
The Emergence of the os and ac Runes in the Runic Inscriptions of England and Frisia: A Linguistic Assessment Nielsen, Hans Frede 1995
The Vocalism of the Undley Runes Viewed from a North-Sea Germanic Perspective Nielsen, Hans Frede 2006

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