Odenstedt. 1999. The Bergakker Inscription. Transliteration, Interpretation, Message: Some Suggestions.

Aufsatz in Sammelband
  • Odenstedt, Bengt
Jahr 1999
Titel The Bergakker Inscription. Transliteration, Interpretation, Message: Some Suggestions
  • Bammesberger, Alfred
Buchtitel Pforzen und Bergakker. Neue Untersuchungen zu Runeninschriften
Verlag Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
Seiten 163-173

Titel Autor Jahr
The Inscription on the Meldorf Fibula Odenstedt, Bengt 1983
Further Reflections on the Meldorf Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1989
Om ursprunget till den äldre futharken: En granskning av några teorier om runskriftens ursprung, speciellt E. Moltkes (1976) och E. H. Antonsens (1982), jämte ett förslag till ny teori Odenstedt, Bengt 1984
Rez./Rev. Klaus Düwel. 1983. Runenkunde. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart Odenstedt, Bengt 1984
Meldorfinskriften. En nyupptäckt fibulainskrift från omkring 50 e. Kr. Odenstedt, Bengt 1983
On the Origin and Early History of the Runic Script. Typology and Graphic Variation in the Older Futhark Odenstedt, Bengt 1990
Om typologi och grafisk variation i den äldre futharken: Några reflexioner kring Kai-Erik Westergaards avhandling Skrifttegn og symboler. Noen studier over tegnformer i det eldre runealfabet Odenstedt, Bengt 1985
The Skramle Inscription - An Important Find. With Some Notes on the Older Runic Inscriptions Odenstedt, Bengt 1997
The Bergakker Inscription. Transliteration, Interpretation, Message: Some Suggestions Odenstedt, Bengt 1999
A New Theory of the Origin of the Runic Script: Richard L. Morris's Book Runic and Mediterranean Epigraphy Odenstedt, Bengt 1991
The Skramle Inscription - An Important Find. With Some Notes on the Older Runic Inscriptions Odenstedt, Bengt 2002
The Loveden Hill Runic Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1980
The Gilton Runic Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1981
The Inscription on the Undley Bracteate and the Beginnings of English Runic Writing Odenstedt, Bengt 1983
The Chessell Down Runic Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1984
The Undley Bracteate and its Runic Inscription: II. The Runic Inscription on the Undley Bracteate Odenstedt, Bengt 1987
Excavation and Survey at Watchfield, Oxforshire, 1983-92: The Runic Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1992
The Runic Inscription Odenstedt, Bengt 1986
A New Theory of the Origin of the Runic Script: Richard L. Morris's Book Runic and Mediterranean Epigraphy Odenstedt, Bengt 1991
On the Transliteration of the A-rune in Early English and Frisian Inscriptions Odenstedt, Bengt 1991

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